Vitamins, Nutrition, Health, Disease And Treatment - Category Wise Question And Answer Practice Test With Solutions

Question : 21 [RAS/RTS (Pre) 1999]

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, which is caused due to

a) Due to changes in the structure of D.N.A.

b) Due to changes in the number of the chromosomes

c) Due to changes in the structure of the chromosome

d) Due to changes in the structure of R.N.A.

Answer: (b)

Question : 22 [UPPCS (Pre) 2016]

Which one of the following is an important source of Vitamin E?

a) Wheat germ oil

b) Coconut oil

c) Palm oil

d) Mustard oil

Answer: (a)

Question : 23 [UPPCS (Spl)(Mains) 2004]

Which of the following strains of H.I.V. is dominant in India?

a) HIV Ic

b) HIV Ia

c) HIV Ib

d) HIV Id

Answer: (a)

Question : 24 [RAS/RTS (Pre) 2010]

The ‘blue baby’ pollution disease is due to the excessive presence of which of the following in drinking water?

a) Nitrate

b) Fluoride

c) Chloride

d) Arsenic

Answer: (a)

Question : 25 [PCS (Pre) 2010]

Most frequently used medicine for AIDS is

a) Nanaxinel-a

b) Zedovudine (Azidothymidine)

c) Micronazol

d) Vinajol

Answer: (b)


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